~ Simple words ~

Cred in orice pana se demonstreaza a fi fals. Asa ca eu cred in zane, mituri, dragoni. Toate exista, chiar daca exista doar in mintea mea. Cine spune ca visele si cosmarurile nu sunt la fel de reale ca aici si acum?!~ John Lennon

sâmbătă, 24 aprilie 2010

Spring days

To be able to see in concrete terms what was created in a fraction of a second is a rare luxury. Even though fixed in time, a photograph evokes as much feeling as that which comes from music or dance. Whatever the mode – from the snapshot to the decisive moment to multi-media montage – the intent and purpose of photography is to render in visual terms feelings and experiences that often elude the ability of words to describe. In any case, the eyes have it, and the imagination will always soar farther than was expected. - Ralph Gibson - [cited in: Creative Camera December 1972, p. 401]

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